Multi Posting
75% of jobseekers are searching for employment online. By utilising our multi posting system smart matched to some of the best job sites in the UK market, you give your vacancy a broader coverage and drive down the cost of recruitment.
With our partners we have the industry and technological knowledge needed to suceed in today's recruitment landscape. Using our streamlined multi posting system, we post vacancies to multiple job boards across the web as well as social media broadcast to Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.
In addition to YourBerkshireJobs, we will post your vacancy to 6 job boards with a collective reach to over 7 million unique job seekers each month, covering every salary range, career level, industry sector and region. Our selection of only the most trafficked job sites and boards will give you the most exposure.
Your advert will also be smart matched to a range of niche and regional job portal networks (eg MyJobGroup, JobisJob, UKJobsNet and WorkHound). Finally, jobs with a salary of over £50K can be posted on at a small extra cost.
In addition we have access to CV databases that allow us search for that right candidate. With over 4 million national CVs, we know we can help you.
£229 + VAT
Call us on 01672 811680 and start your advertising today
Alternatively, email Heidi with job details and we will do the rest.